The BC Quality Assessment Standard
The BC Quality Assurance System (BCQAS) is a tool used to assess the quality of early learning and child care programs in British Columbia. It focuses on three key areas:
Planning and Programming: This includes how well the program is planned, how it meets the needs of individual children, and how it promotes children's learning and development.
Physical Environment: This assesses the safety, cleanliness, and organization of the physical space, as well as the availability of appropriate materials and resources.
Interactions and Relationships: This evaluates the quality of interactions between educators and children, as well as the positive relationships that are fostered within the program.
Administration: This considers program administration and leadership, including policies and procedures.
The BCQAS is used by early learning and child care programs to self-assess their quality and to identify areas for improvement. It can also be used by regulatory authorities to monitor the quality of programs and to ensure compliance with licensing standards.
SSOCC is proud to have been one of the pilot centres in BC to test the validity of the BCQAS from 2018-2020. Now, SSOCC uses the BCQAS to assess all of our child care programs.

Want to learn more?
View the BCQAS tool and view each of our programs current Quality Improvement Plans for 2025 at the links below.